
Monday, March 7, 2011

Reflections on Selected Movies..


This story was close to reality. I like it because it gives an information to the people of what will happen if there is becomes extravagant of their way of living and of degradation and thoughtless consumerism. On Technical side, technology can help also in one way or another. In this movie, it shows how a robot piles up the garbage of the people. It segregated the garbage and arranged it.

I got this from an article, it says, "Wall-E scooped up another pile of trash and began to crunch it up into smaller

pieces. The heat of the ancient sun beat hard upon his squat, grubby metal frame as the little robot worked.

Another day, another big set of garbage cubes. Not very likely to change in any way, but at least he was doing

something to occupy his lonely time on Earth.

He paused to let his robotic clamps rest, and stared

dismally at the various segments of trash scattered in front of him. 700 years of having to pick up this junk and

cement it all into cubes... his eyes clouded over as he remembered the days when robots like him were brand-new,

and were wanted to get the job done by all the humans on the planet. Some thought it was a crazy idea, getting

hundreds and thousands of robots to pick up all their own filth for them; others encouraged the plan deeply and

were glad that something was finally being done about it. But, thought poor Wall-E as he absent-mindedly twisted

piece of a cardboard box, shouldn't those humans have not left their trash behind in the first place? He did not

want to sound hateful, but it was their own fault that Earth had become the dead planet it was now.

A dust

cloud slowly rumbled overhead, drifting over the sun and flickering lifelessly in the polluted sky. Wall-E gazed

up at this cloud for a fairly long time before thinking that, if clouds had feelings, this particular cloud would

feel exactly the same way he did. Once a common yet popular icon of Earth... and now nothing. Lonesome...

lifeless... forgotten. "



humans live in isolation and only interact through robotic bodies that serve as surrogates.

In a near future, with the development of the robotic, mankind stays at home operating surrogates with their signature to live their lives in the outside world and resolving issues like racism, complex and safety and reducing crime rates. Only a few people live in reservations the traditional way of life without the use of substitutes.

The intention of the technology was good. In fact, it was created to lessen crime and to promote public safety that's why they need to use surrogates as virtual substitute of the real person. However, an incident happened when one surrogate was killed by another surrogate and later found out that the user was the son of the inventor. Worst thing is, when a surrogate dies, it kills the user too.

Therefore, even though how 'perfect' a technology is being considered on it's creation, there's always a bug behind.


This story is quite similar to surrogates. The story begins at year 2035 where vast production of robots has been done by the U.S Robotics. It was created for the purpose of helping people and not to harm them in any way. There were three laws programmed on the robots that should not be in conflict with each other. However, the conspiracy began when the a doctor died and later investigated that he was killed by a robot lest they would conquer the world. So, an agent, tried to investigate before it's too late.

this happens when we are too dependent with the technology. There's nothing wrong with the technologies we have but if we cannot control on them, we might be controlled by them.

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